At Securitatem Consultancy, our staff have a passion for education, skills development, awareness, and security training.
Driving up standards through delivery of professional security training and awareness courses; including Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT), and Hostile Environment Training (HET).
Unquestionably your workforce will be your key asset. We know ensuring they are trained, coached and mentored to the highest possible standards will be one of your top priorities. If you have responsibility for staff traveling overseas, whether experienced travellers or not, you have both ethical and legal responsibility to do all you can to provide that duty of care and make travel safe for your staff.
We provide overseas risk training packages, bespoke for your company that can include generic tradecraft that can be simply applied in most locations worldwide, contemporary educational material on working, or travelling in hostile environments, including local situational awareness, first aid, and evacuation modules.

You can rest assured that any training delivered will be designed, developing the appropriate learning solutions to meet your bespoke needs.

Travel Risk Assessment

Family Security Training